Reference Source
public class | source


Default server client which loads content for a BIMViewer via HTTP from the file system.

A BIMViewer is instantiated with an instance of this class.

To load content from an alternative source, instantiate BIMViewer with your own custom implementation of this class.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(cfg: *)

Constructs a Server.

Method Summary

Public Methods

getGeometry(projectId: String, modelId: String, done: Function, error: Function)

Gets geometry for a model within a project.


getIssues(projectId: String, modelId: String, done: Function, error: Function)

Gets existing issues for a model within a project.


getMetadata(projectId: String, modelId: String, done: Function, error: Function)

Gets metadata for a model within a project.


getObjectInfo(projectId: String, modelId: String, objectId: String, done: Function, error: Function)

Gets metadata for an object within a model within a project.


getProject(projectId: String, done: Function, error: Function)

Gets information for a project.


getProjects(done: Function, error: Function)

Gets information on all available projects.

Public Constructors

public constructor(cfg: *) source

Constructs a Server.


cfg *
  • optional

Server configuration.

cfg.dataDir String
  • optional

Base directory for content.

Public Methods

public getGeometry(projectId: String, modelId: String, done: Function, error: Function) source

Gets geometry for a model within a project.


projectId String

ID of the project.

modelId String

ID of the model.

done Function

Callback through which the JSON result is returned.

error Function

Callback through which an error message is returned on error.

public getIssues(projectId: String, modelId: String, done: Function, error: Function) source

Gets existing issues for a model within a project.


projectId String

ID of the project.

modelId String

ID of the model.

done Function

Callback through which the JSON result is returned.

error Function

Callback through which an error message is returned on error.

public getMetadata(projectId: String, modelId: String, done: Function, error: Function) source

Gets metadata for a model within a project.


projectId String

ID of the project.

modelId String

ID of the model.

done Function

Callback through which the JSON result is returned.

error Function

Callback through which an error message is returned on error.

public getObjectInfo(projectId: String, modelId: String, objectId: String, done: Function, error: Function) source

Gets metadata for an object within a model within a project.


projectId String

ID of the project.

modelId String

ID of the model.

objectId String

ID of the object.

done Function

Callback through which the JSON result is returned.

error Function

Callback through which an error message is returned on error.

public getProject(projectId: String, done: Function, error: Function) source

Gets information for a project.


projectId String

ID of the project.

done Function

Callback through which the JSON result is returned.

error Function

Callback through which an error message is returned on error.

public getProjects(done: Function, error: Function) source

Gets information on all available projects.


done Function

Callback through which the JSON result is returned.

error Function

Callback through which an error message is returned on error.