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src/Controller.js~Controller → BIMViewer

A BIM viewer based on the xeokit SDK.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(server: Server, cfg: *)

Constructs a BIMViewer.

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

localeService: LocaleService: *

Returns the LocaleService that was configured on this Viewer.


viewer: Viewer

The xeokit Viewer at the core of this BIMViewer.

Method Summary

Public Methods

Adds a model.


Clears sections.


deleteModel(modelId: String)

Deletes a model.


Destroys the viewer, freeing all resources.


editModel(modelId: String)

Edits a model.


Inverts the direction of sections.


flyToObject(objectId: String, done: Function)

Flies the camera to fit the given object in view.


Gets whether the viewer is in 3D or 2D viewing mode.


getConfig(name: String): *

Gets the value of a viewer configuration.


Gets whether keyboard camera control is enabled.


Returns the IDs of the currently loaded models, if any.


Returns the ID of the currently loaded project, if any.


Returns the IDs of the models in the currently loaded project.


returns the number of sections that currently exist.


Gets where the colors for model objects will be loaded from.


getObjectInfo(projectId: String, modelId: String, objectId: String, done: Function, error: Function)

Gets information on the given object, belonging to the given model, within the given project.


Returns the ID of the currently open viewer tab.


Gets whether the viewer is in orthographic viewing mode.


getProjectInfo(projectId: String, done: Function, error: Function)

Gets information on the given project.


Gets information on all available projects.


Hides the section edition control, if currently shown.


Gets if the given model is loaded.


jumpToObject(objectId: String)

Jumps the camera to fit the given object in view.


Load all models in the currently loaded project.


loadBCFViewpoint(bcfViewpoint: *, options: *)

Sets viewer state to the given BCF viewpoint.


loadModel(modelId: String, done: Function, error: Function)

Loads a model into the viewer.


loadProject(projectId: String, done: Function, error: Function)

Loads a project into the viewer.


openTab(tabId: String)

Opens the specified viewer tab.


Resets the view.


saveBCFViewpoint(options: *): *

Saves viewer state to a BCF viewpoint.


selectStorey(storeyObjectId: String, done: Function)

Transitions the viewer into an isolated view of the given building storey.


set3DEnabled(enabled: Boolean, done: Function)

Switches the viewer between 2D and 3D viewing modes.


Sets whether or not all objects are selected.


Sets the visibility of all objects.


Sets whether or not all objects are X-rayed.


setBackgroundColor(rgbColor: Number[])

Sets the viewer's background color.


Sets the camera to the given position.


setConfig(name: String, value: *)

Sets a viewer configuration.


setConfigs(viewerConfigs: *)

Sets a batch of viewer configurations.


Enables or disables the various buttons and controls throughout the viewer.


Sets whether or not keyboard camera control is enabled.


Sets where the colors for model objects will be loaded from.


setObjectsSelected(objectIds: String[], selected: Boolean)

Sets whether or not the given objects are selected.


setObjectsVisible(objectIds: String[], visible: Boolean)

Sets whether or not the given objects are visible.


setObjectsXRayed(objectIds: String[], xrayed: Boolean)

Sets whether or not the given objects are X-rayed.


setOrthoEnabled(enabled: Boolean, done: Function)

Sets whether the viewer is in orthographic viewing mode.


setViewerState(viewerState: Object, done: Function)

Updates viewer UI state according to the properties in the given object.


Highlights the given object in the tree views within the Objects, Classes and Storeys tabs.


Shows the properties of the given object in the Properties tab.


De-highlights the object previously highlighted with BIMViewer#showObjectInExplorers.


Unloads all currently loaded models.


unloadModel(modelId: String)

Unloads a model from the viewer.


Unloads whatever project is currently loaded.


Flies the camera to fit all objects in view.


viewFitModels(modelIds: String[], done: Function)

Fits the given models in view.


viewFitObjects(objectIds: String[], done: Function)

Flies the camera to fit the given objects in view.

Public Constructors

public constructor(server: Server, cfg: *) source

Constructs a BIMViewer.


server Server

Data access strategy.

cfg *


cfg.enableEditModels Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Set true to show "Add", "Edit" and "Delete" options in the Models tab's context menu.

cfg.keyboardEventsElement Boolean
  • optional

Optional reference to HTML element on which key events should be handled. Defaults to the HTML Document.

Public Members

public get localeService: LocaleService: * source

Returns the LocaleService that was configured on this Viewer.



The LocaleService.

public setFirstPersonModeActive: * source

public setThreeDModeActive: * source

public viewer: Viewer source

The xeokit Viewer at the core of this BIMViewer.

Public Methods

public addModel() source

Adds a model.

public clearSections() source

Clears sections.

Sections are the sliceing planes, that we use to section models in order to see interior structures.

public deleteModel(modelId: String) source

Deletes a model.

Assumes that the project containing the model is currently loaded.


modelId String

ID of the model to delete. Must be the ID of one of the models in the currently loaded project.

public destroy() source

Destroys the viewer, freeing all resources.

public editModel(modelId: String) source

Edits a model.

Assumes that the project containing the model is currently loaded.


modelId String

ID of the model to edit. Must be the ID of one of the models in the currently loaded project.

public flipSections() source

Inverts the direction of sections.

public flyToObject(objectId: String, done: Function) source

Flies the camera to fit the given object in view.


objectId String

ID of the object

done Function

Callback invoked on completion

public get3DEnabled(): boolean source

Gets whether the viewer is in 3D or 2D viewing mode.



True when in 3D mode, else false.

public getConfig(name: String): * source

Gets the value of a viewer configuration.

These are set with BIMViewer#setConfig and BIMViewer#setConfigs.


name String

Configuration name.



public getKeyboardEnabled(): Boolean source

Gets whether keyboard camera control is enabled.

This is useful when we don't want key events over the canvas to clash with other UI elements outside the canvas.

Default value is true.



Returns true if keyboard input is enabled.

public getLoadedModelIds(): String[] source

Returns the IDs of the currently loaded models, if any.



The IDs of the currently loaded models, otherwise an empty array if no models are currently loaded.

public getLoadedProjectId(): String source

Returns the ID of the currently loaded project, if any.



The ID of the currently loaded project, otherwise null if no project is currently loaded.

public getModelIds(): String[] source

Returns the IDs of the models in the currently loaded project.



The IDs of the models in the currently loaded project.

public getNumSections(): Number source

returns the number of sections that currently exist.

sections are the sliceing planes, that we use to slice models in order to see interior structures.



The number of sections.

public getObjectColorSource(): String source

Gets where the colors for model objects will be loaded from.

This is "model" by default.



Where colors will be loaded from - "model" to get colors from the model, or "viewer" to get them from the viewer's built-in table of colors for IFC types.

public getObjectInfo(projectId: String, modelId: String, objectId: String, done: Function, error: Function) source

Gets information on the given object, belonging to the given model, within the given project.

See Getting Info on an Object for usage.


projectId String

ID of the project to get information on. Must be the ID of one of the projects in the information obtained by BIMViewer#getProjects.

modelId String

ID of a model within the project. Must be the ID of one of the models in the information obtained by BIMViewer#getProjectInfo.

objectId String

ID of an object in the model.

done Function

Callback invoked on success, into which the object information JSON is passed.

error Function

Callback invoked on failure, into which the error message string is passed.

public getOpenTab(): string source

Returns the ID of the currently open viewer tab.

The available tabs are:

  • "models" - the Models tab, which lists the models available within the currently loaded project,
  • "objects" - the Objects tab, which contains a tree view for each loaded model, organized to indicate the containment hierarchy of their objects,
  • "classes" - the Classes tab, which contains a tree view for each loaded model, with nodes grouped by IFC types of their objects,
  • "storeys" - the Storeys tab, which contains a tree view for each loaded model, with nodes grouped within IfcBuildingStoreys, sub-grouped by their IFC types,
  • "properties" - the Properties tab, which shows property sets for a given object, and
  • "none" - no tab is open; this is unlikely, since one of the above tabs should be open at a any time, but here for robustness.



public getOrthoEnabled(): boolean source

Gets whether the viewer is in orthographic viewing mode.

The viewer is either in orthographic mode or perspective mode. The viewer is in perspective mode by default.



True when in ortho mode, else false when in perspective mode.

public getProjectInfo(projectId: String, done: Function, error: Function) source

Gets information on the given project.

See Getting Info on a Project for usage.


projectId String

ID of the project to get information on. Must be the ID of one of the projects in the information obtained by BIMViewer#getProjects.

done Function

Callback invoked on success, into which the project information JSON is passed.

error Function

Callback invoked on failure, into which the error message string is passed.

public getProjectsInfo(done: Function, error: Function) source

Gets information on all available projects. Gets information on all available projects.

See Getting Info on Available Projects for usage.


done Function

Callback invoked on success, into which the projects information JSON is passed.

error Function

Callback invoked on failure, into which the error message string is passed.

public hideSectionEditControl() source

Hides the section edition control, if currently shown.

public isModelLoaded(modelId: String): Boolean source

Gets if the given model is loaded.


modelId String

ID of the model to check. Must be the ID of one of the models in the currently loaded project.



True if the given model is loaded.

public jumpToObject(objectId: String) source

Jumps the camera to fit the given object in view.


objectId String

ID of the object

public loadAllModels(done: Function) source

Load all models in the currently loaded project.

Doesn't reload any models that are currently loaded.


done Function

Callback invoked on successful loading of the models.

public loadBCFViewpoint(bcfViewpoint: *, options: *) source

Sets viewer state to the given BCF viewpoint.

This assumes that the viewer currently contains the same project and model(s) that were loaded at the time that the viewpoint was originally saved (the BCF viewpoint specification does not contain that information).

Note that xeokit's Camera#look is the point-of-interest, whereas the BCF camera_direction is a direction vector. Therefore, when loading a BCF viewpoint, we set Camera#look to the absolute position obtained by offsetting the BCF camera_view_point along camera_direction.

When loading a viewpoint, we also have the option to find Camera#look as the closest point of intersection (on the surface of any visible and pickable Entity) with a 3D ray fired from camera_view_point in the direction of camera_direction.


bcfViewpoint *

BCF JSON viewpoint object or "reset" / "RESET" to reset the viewer, which clears SectionPlanes, shows default visible entities and restores camera to initial default position.

options *
  • optional

Options for setting the viewpoint.

options.rayCast Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

When true (default), will attempt to set Camera#look to the closest point of surface intersection with a ray fired from the BCF camera_view_point in the direction of camera_direction.

options.immediate Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

When true (default), immediately set camera position.

options.duration Boolean
  • optional

Flight duration in seconds. Overrides CameraFlightAnimation#duration.

options.reset Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

When true (default), set Entity#xrayed and Entity#highlighted false on all scene objects.

options.reverseClippingPlanes Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

When true, clipping planes are reversed (

options.updateCompositeObjects Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

When true, then when visibility and selection updates refer to composite objects (eg. an IfcBuildingStorey), then this method will apply the updates to objects within those composites.

public loadModel(modelId: String, done: Function, error: Function) source

Loads a model into the viewer.

Assumes that the project containing the model is currently loaded.


modelId String

ID of the model to load. Must be the ID of one of the models in the currently loaded project.

done Function

Callback invoked on success.

error Function

Callback invoked on failure, into which the error message string is passed.

public loadProject(projectId: String, done: Function, error: Function) source

Loads a project into the viewer.

Unloads any currently loaded project and its models first. If the given project is already loaded, will unload that project first.


projectId String

ID of the project to load. Must be the ID of one of the projects in the information obtained by BIMViewer#getProjects.

done Function

Callback invoked on success.

error Function

Callback invoked on failure, into which the error message string is passed.

public openTab(tabId: String) source

Opens the specified viewer tab.

The available tabs are:

  • "models" - the Models tab, which lists the models available within the currently loaded project,
  • "objects" - the Objects tab, which contains a tree view for each loaded model, organized to indicate the containment hierarchy of their objects,
  • "classes" - the Classes tab, which contains a tree view for each loaded model, with nodes grouped by IFC types of their objects,
  • "storeys" - the Storeys tab, which contains a tree view for each loaded model, with nodes grouped within IfcBuildingStoreys, sub-grouped by their IFC types, and
  • "properties" - the Properties tab, which shows property sets for a given object.


tabId String

ID of the tab to open - see method description.

public resetView() source

Resets the view.

This resets object appearances (visibility, selection, highlight and X-ray), sets camera to default position, and removes section planes.

public saveBCFViewpoint(options: *): * source

Saves viewer state to a BCF viewpoint.

This does not save information about the project and model(s) that are currently loaded. When loading the viewpoint, the viewer will assume that the same project and models will be currently loaded (the BCF viewpoint specification does not contain that information).

Note that xeokit's Camera#look is the point-of-interest, whereas the BCF camera_direction is a direction vector. Therefore, we save camera_direction as the vector from Camera#eye to Camera#look.


options *
  • optional

Options for getting the viewpoint.

options.spacesVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Indicates whether IfcSpace types should be forced visible in the viewpoint.

options.openingsVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Indicates whether IfcOpening types should be forced visible in the viewpoint.

options.spaceBoundariesVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Indicates whether the boundaries of IfcSpace types should be visible in the viewpoint.

options.reverseClippingPlanes Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

When true, clipping planes are reversed (

options.defaultInvisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

When true, will save the default visibility of all objects as false. This means that when we load the viewpoint again, and there are additional models loaded that were not saved in the viewpoint, those models will be hidden when we load the viewpoint, and that only the objects in the viewpoint will be visible.



BCF JSON viewpoint object


const viewpoint = bimViewer.saveBCFViewpoint({
    spacesVisible: false,          // Default
    spaceBoundariesVisible: false, // Default
    openingsVisible: false         // Default

// viewpoint will resemble the following:

    perspective_camera: {
        camera_view_point: {
            x: 0.0,
            y: 0.0,
            z: 0.0
        camera_direction: {
            x: 1.0,
            y: 1.0,
            z: 2.0
        camera_up_vector: {
            x: 0.0,
            y: 0.0,
            z: 1.0
        field_of_view: 90.0
    lines: [],
    clipping_planes: [{
        location: {
            x: 0.5,
            y: 0.5,
            z: 0.5
        direction: {
            x: 1.0,
            y: 0.0,
            z: 0.0
    bitmaps: [],
    snapshot: {
        snapshot_type: png,
        snapshot_data: "data:image/png;base64,......"
    components: {
        visibility: {
            default_visibility: false,
            exceptions: [{
                ifc_guid: 4$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk,
                authoring_tool_id: xeokit/v1.0
        selection: [{
           ifc_guid: "4$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk",

public selectStorey(storeyObjectId: String, done: Function) source

Transitions the viewer into an isolated view of the given building storey.

Does nothing and logs an error if no object of the given ID is in the viewer, or if the object is not an IfcBuildingStorey.


storeyObjectId String

ID of an IfcBuildingStorey object.

done Function
  • optional

Optional callback to invoke on completion. When provided, the transition will be animated, with the camera flying into position. Otherwise, the transition will be instant, with the camera jumping into position.

public set3DEnabled(enabled: Boolean, done: Function) source

Switches the viewer between 2D and 3D viewing modes.


enabled Boolean

Set true to switch into 3D mode, else false to switch into 2D mode.

done Function

Callback to invoke when switch complete. Supplying this callback causes an animated transition. Otherwise, the transition will be instant.

public setAllObjectsSelected(selected: Boolean) source

Sets whether or not all objects are selected.


selected Boolean

Whether or not to set all objects selected.

public setAllObjectsVisible(visible: Boolean) source

Sets the visibility of all objects.


visible Boolean

True to set objects visible, false to set them invisible.

public setAllObjectsXRayed(xrayed: Boolean) source

Sets whether or not all objects are X-rayed.


xrayed Boolean

Whether or not to set all objects X-rayed.

public setBackgroundColor(rgbColor: Number[]) source

Sets the viewer's background color.


rgbColor Number[]

Three-element array of RGB values, each in range [0..1].

public setCamera() source

Sets the camera to the given position.


params.eye Number[]
  • optional

Eye position.

params.look Number[]
  • optional

Point of interest.

params.up Number[]
  • optional

Direction of "up".

public setConfig(name: String, value: *) source

Sets a viewer configuration.

See Viewer Configurations for the list of available configurations.


name String

Configuration name.

value *

Configuration value.

public setConfigs(viewerConfigs: *) source

Sets a batch of viewer configurations.

Note that this method is not to be confused with BIMViewer#setViewerState, which batch-updates various states of the viewer's UI and 3D view.

See Viewer Configurations for the list of available configurations.


viewerConfigs *

Map of key-value configuration pairs.

public setControlsEnabled(enabled: Boolean) source

Enables or disables the various buttons and controls throughout the viewer.

This also makes various buttons appear disabled.


enabled Boolean

Whether or not to disable the controls.

public setKeyboardEnabled(enabled: Boolean) source

Sets whether or not keyboard camera control is enabled.

This is useful when we don't want key events over the canvas to clash with other UI elements outside the canvas.

Default value is true.


enabled Boolean

Set true to enable keyboard input.

public setObjectColorSource(source: String) source

Sets where the colors for model objects will be loaded from.

Options are:

  • "model" - (default) load colors from models, and
  • "viewer" - load colors from the viewer's inbuilt table of colors for IFC types.

This is "model" by default.


source String

Where colors will be loaded from - "model" or "viewer".

public setObjectsSelected(objectIds: String[], selected: Boolean) source

Sets whether or not the given objects are selected.


objectIds String[]

IDs of objects.

selected Boolean

Whether or not to set the objects selected.

public setObjectsVisible(objectIds: String[], visible: Boolean) source

Sets whether or not the given objects are visible.


objectIds String[]

IDs of objects.

visible Boolean

True to set objects visible, false to set them invisible.

public setObjectsXRayed(objectIds: String[], xrayed: Boolean) source

Sets whether or not the given objects are X-rayed.


objectIds String[]

IDs of objects.

xrayed Boolean

Whether or not to X-ray the objects.

public setOrthoEnabled(enabled: Boolean, done: Function) source

Sets whether the viewer is in orthographic viewing mode.

The viewer is either in orthographic mode or perspective mode. The viewer is in perspective mode by default.


enabled Boolean

Set true to switch into ortho mode, else false to switch into perspective mode.

done Function

Callback to invoke when switch complete. Supplying this callback causes an animated transition. Otherwise, the transition will be instant.

public setViewerState(viewerState: Object, done: Function) source

Updates viewer UI state according to the properties in the given object.

Note that, since some updates could be animated (e.g. flying the camera to fit objects to view) this method optionally takes a callback, which it invokes after updating the UI.

Also, this method is not to be confused with BIMViewer#setConfigs, which is used to batch-update various configurations and user preferences on the viewer.

See Viewer States for the list of states that may be batch-updated with this method.


viewerState Object

Specifies the viewer UI state updates.

done Function

Callback invoked on successful update of the viewer states.

public showObjectInExplorers(objectId: String) source

Highlights the given object in the tree views within the Objects, Classes and Storeys tabs.

Also scrolls the object's node into view within each tree, then highlights it.

De-highlights whatever node is currently highlighted in each of those trees.


objectId String

ID of the object

public showObjectProperties(objectId: String) source

Shows the properties of the given object in the Properties tab.


objectId String

ID of the object

public unShowObjectInExplorers() source

De-highlights the object previously highlighted with BIMViewer#showObjectInExplorers.

This only de-highlights the node. If the node is currently scrolled into view, then the node will remain in view.

For each tab, does nothing if a node is currently highlighted.

public unloadAllModels() source

Unloads all currently loaded models.

public unloadModel(modelId: String) source

Unloads a model from the viewer.

Does nothing if the model is not currently loaded.


modelId String

ID of the model to unload.

public unloadProject() source

Unloads whatever project is currently loaded.

public viewFitAll(done: Function) source

Flies the camera to fit all objects in view.


done Function

Callback invoked on completion

public viewFitModels(modelIds: String[], done: Function) source

Fits the given models in view.


modelIds String[]

ID of the models.

done Function
  • optional

Callback invoked on completion. Will be animated if this is given, otherwise will be instantaneous.

public viewFitObjects(objectIds: String[], done: Function) source

Flies the camera to fit the given objects in view.


objectIds String[]

IDs of the objects

done Function

Callback invoked on completion